Howard-Jones, P. A., Tanimoto, E., Jones, C., Demetriou, S., Morgan, O., Perkins, P., et al. (submitted) Learning to “twig”? Coconstructing pedagogical concepts across neuroscience and education for teaching with immersive gaming. Pedagogies: An International Journal.
Howard-Jones, P. A., Holmes, W., Demetriou, S., Jones, C., Tanimoto, E., Morgan, O., Perkins, D., Davies, N. (2014) Neuroeducational research in the design and use of learning technology: the role of low-fidelity prototyping. Learning, Media and Technology
Ioannou, A., Demetriou, S., Mama, M. (2014) Factors influencing online collaborative learning: Why some groups take off better than others? American Journal of Distance Education
Howard-Jones, P.A., Demetriou, S., Bogacz, R., Yoo, J.H, Leonards, U. (2011) The Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning Games. Mind,Brain and Education Journal.
Howard-Jones, P.A., Bogacz, R., Yoo, J.H., Leonards, U., Demetriou, S. (2010). The neural mechanisms of learning from competitors. NeuroImage.
Howard-Jones, P.A. & Demetriou, S. (2009). Uncertainty and engagement with learning games. Journal of Instructional Science.
Demetriou, S. (2015) Learning while Computer Gaming? The Impact of the Uncertain Reward. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 16th Biennial Conference: “Towards a Reflective Society: Synergies between Learning, Teaching and Research”. Limassol, Cyprus.
Demetriou, S. (2014) Technology enhanced learning: student collaboration. 10th eTwinning Annual Conference.Rome, Italy.
Ioannou, A., Mama, M, & Demetriou, S. (2013) Factors influencing online collaborative learning: Why some groups take off better than others? 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Wisconsin, USA.
Holmes, W., Howard-Jones, P., Tanimoto, E., Jones, C., Demetriou, S., Morgan, O., Perkins, P., Davies, N. (2013) Neuroeducational research in the design and use of games-based teaching. 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL. Porto. Portugal.
Demetriou, S. (2012) Computer gaming and learning: The impact of prediction error. 62nd Annual Conference of the International Council of Educational Media, in conjunction with the 5th Innovative Learning Environments organized by the International Research and Development Center CARDET (Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology). Nicosia, Cyprus.
Demetriou, S. (2011) Learning can be fun: The story of learning from computer games. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 14th Biennial Conference: “Education for a Global Networked Society”. Exeter, UK.
Demetriou, S. (2011) How would you like your learning? The influence of uncertainty on motivation for learning. Schools of Instructional Sciences: Their role in the challenges of today’s society. Limassol, Cyprus.
Demetriou, S. (2010) Certainty or uncertainty in learning? A study on computer gaming involving children.International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI) of the International Association for Technology, Education and Development (IATED). Madrid, Spain.
Demetriou, S.(2010). Motivation in computer games: the impact of reward uncertainty on learning. International Conference on Education and New learning Technologies (EduLearn) of the International Association for Technology, Education and Development (IATED). Barcelona, Spain.
Demetriou, S. (2010). Are you motivated to learn? A Neuroeducational investigation of positive prediction error and its impact on learning in a computer game. Annual Conference of the Special Interest Group (SIG) “Neuroscience and Education” of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Zurich, Switzerland.
Howard-Jones, P.A., Demetriou, S., Bogacz, R., Yoo, J.H., Leonards, U. (2010). Learning from competitors. Annual Conference of the Special Interest Group (SIG) “Neuroscience and Education” of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Zurich, Switzerland.
Howard-Jones, P.A., Bogacz, R., Demetriou, S., Leonards, U., Yoo, J. (2009). From gaming to learning: A reward-based model of decision-making predicts declarative memory performance in a learning game. British Psychological Society (BPS) Annual Conference.Brighton, United Kingdom.
Demetriou, S. (2009). The role of uncertainty and prediction error in supporting motivation, attention and learning in computer-based learning games. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference. Manchester, United Kingdom.
Demetriou, S. (2008) Uncertainty and motivation: Impact on learning through the approach of Education and Neuroscience. Young Neuroscientists’ Day. University of Cardiff, Wales.
Howard-Jones, P.A. and Demetriou, S. (2008). Pedagaming: Learning while playing motivational computer games. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference. London, United Kingdom.
Howard-Jones, P.A. and Demetriou, S. (2007) Physiological response and the understanding of learning games. Proceedings of British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN) Annual Meeting. Dundee University, Scotland.
Demetriou, S. (2007) Preference for increased uncertainty in a computer-based task: testing an educational hypothesis derived from neuroscience. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference. London, United Kingdom.