2015 – 2016
Continuing Studies – Professional Development Courses: “Website Design”
2014 – 2015
MSc in Educational Leadership and Management (Distinction)
Cyprus International Institute of Management
Sample of subjects studied: Introduction to Educational Management (A), Curriculum Development (A), Assessment of schools, teachers and educational programs (A), Human Resource Development (A), Educational Policy and Strategic Design (A), Leadership and Ethics (A), Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education (A), Educational Effectiveness and School Improvement (A), Differentiation and Educational Leadership (A), School Bullying (A), Measurement and Evaluation in Education, Leadership: Basic Competences in the Different Levels of Action (A), Social Psychology: Intergroup Relations in school (A)
Title of independent study: Computer games, learning and motivation viewed through the interdisclinary approach of Education and Neuroscience (A)
2007 – 2011
PhD in Education
Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, UK
Title of thesis: Computer-based learning games involving chance-based uncertainty: An approach in the interdisciplinary area of NeuroEducation.
Supervisor: Dr Paul Howard-Jones - Senior Lecturer in Education
Education Services Training: “Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Programme for Postgraduate Students”
University of Bristol
2006 - 2007
MEd in Research Methods (Distinction)
Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
Sample of subjects studied: Statistics in Education (A), Exploring Qualitative Methods (A), Understanding Educational Research (A), Multivariate Statistical Methods in Education (A), Research Design and Data Collection (A), Philosophy of Social Science (A)
Title of thesis: Emotional arousal and learning in an educational computer game involving uncertainty and chance (A)
Qualified Teacher Status awarded by the General Teaching Council for England and National College for Teaching and Leadership, United Kingdom
2005 - 2006
MSc in Education, Technology and Society (Distinction)
Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
Sample of subjects studied: Virtual Learning Environments (A), Brain, Cognition and Education (A), ICT and Society (A), Teaching and Learning with ICT 1 (A), Design and Development for Learning (A), Research Methods and ICT (A), Teaching and Learning with ICT 2 (A)
Title of thesis: Children responding to uncertainty in an educational, computer-based game (A)
2001 - 2005
BSc in Instructional Sciences (8.32/10 equivalent to Upper Second Class)
1998 - 2001
LyceumApolyterion (19.5/20 - Distinction - top 5 of 330 students) – GCSE A level equivalent
Sample of subjects studied: Advanced Physics (20/20), Advanced Biology (20/20), Advanced Mathematics (18/20), Modern Greek (20/20), English (20/20), History (20/20), Music (20/20), Physical Education (20/20), Religious Education (20/20), French (20/20), Ancient Greek (20/20). IELTS (7.0)
1995 - 1998
Gymnasium Apolyterion (Distinction - ranked first in 300 students) – GCSE O level equivalent
Subjects studied: Modern Greek (A in terms and 20/20 in final exams), History (A in terms and 20/20 in final exams), Mathematics (A in terms and 20/20 in final exams), Physics (A in terms and 19/20 in final exams), English (A), Music (A), Art (A), Religious Education (A), Physical Education (A), Chemistry – Biology (A), Ancient Greek (A), French (A)
GCE (O level) English Language (Β) Certificate of LCCI Examinations Board of Accounting – Third level